


Okay so it may take more than 5 minutes to go into detail BUT if you just want the LOW DOWN ON ACNE then read on!

FIRSTLY, there are many types of Acne but the most common one is ACNE VULGARIS – this is what I’ll be referring to today.

WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? – blackheads, whiteheads, papules, nodules, pustules and cysts. They are commonly found on the face, neck, chest and back.

identifying types of acne

SO WHAT CAUSES ACNE? – when the skin produces too much oil and mixes with dead skin cells it forms a plug – this plug causes a blockage in the hair follicle.

If the blockage sits just under the skin bulging outwards it creates a WHITEHEAD and if the follicle is open and sits on top of the skin it creates a BLACKHEAD.

WHEN normally harmless bacteria that live on the skin contaminate and infect the plugged follicles, it causes more severe ACNE in the form of PAPULES, NODULES, PUSTULES and CYSTS.

In a nutshell:


acne spots

This is why Oily skin types are more prone to Acne because they produce excess oil however not all oily skin types suffer with Acne because it’s largely down to GENETICS AND HORMONAL INBALANCES.

COMMON MYTH – it only affects teenagers. This is a lie. Although it’s more common in teens, you can have perfect skin for years and hit 40 then bam! This is likely due to the hormonal changes we experience later in life.

grade of acne severity

So now you have a quick understanding of what ACNE is and what causes it, now what can you do about it?

a) LEAVE IT – It will eventually go away on its own.

b) if it bothers you my advice would be if you get the odd breakout just adopt a good skin routine and apply a spot treatment as and when you need it.

If your Acne is severe or chronic then you may need to consult a Doctor for prescription strength treatment.


Before we get into your skin care let’s just address your diet – You are what you eat!

DON’T EAT DAIRY – it causes inflammation which aggravates your ACNE. No it won’t give you Acne but may make it worse. Cut it down or out completely for a month and see if makes a difference. If you really can’t go without a cup of tea try ORGANIC MILK

Cut down on WHITE FOODS – which are unnaturally white like bread and pasta which cause your insulin levels to spike and sends your hormones haywire – HELLO ACNE.

SMOKING – can make your oil glands produce more oil which increases risk of worsening Acne. Try to cut down or out if you can.

POLLUTION from commuting to and from work. Wash your face as soon as you get home.

Cut down on SUGAR. It’s terrible for skin in general, your skin will thank you for it.

Reduce inflammation by eating foods which are high in OMEGA 3. Try nuts, Eggs, Oily Fish, Spinach and grass fed animals.

Boost Zinc intake – Try walnuts, almonds, cashews.

Eat colourful fruits and vegetables. You can’t go wrong, make your plate look like a rainbow!

Eat LOW G.I (glycaemic index) – try green vegetables, most fruits, raw carrots, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and bran breakfast cereals. These foods release energy slowly avoiding insulin spikes which play havoc with Hormones.

boy with acne


Keep      it      simple!

Most of my clients who suffer with Acne tend to over cleanse and under moisturise or use no moisturiser at all.

MYTH – I don’t need moisturiser if my skin is oily or prone to breakouts.

You absolutely need moisturiser just pick the right one for your skin type.

ANOTHER MYTH – I need to be really vigorous when I cleanse!!

Something I always tell my clients is to treat breakouts the same as sensitive skin – gentle cleansing, just a few key products and protection from the sun.

So put the oils, scrubs and masks in the draw and focus on a few key products. Try this routine religiously for a month AM + PM. I suggest taking selfies to evaluate your progress and keep you motivated.

acne skin care routine



Cleanse – use a gentle soap free cleanser formulated for sensitive skin types and remove with tepid water and a clean washcloth.

Active/serum –choose a serum or spot treatment that contains B.H.A’S such as Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. Both these are the best SPOT FIGHTING INGREDIENTS.

Moisturiser – use a lightweight oil free anti blemish moisturiser.

SPF – choose oil free – broad spectrum + SPF 30- 50.



Cleanse – same as daytime. I’m usually a fan of double cleansing but for spot prone skins one good cleanse is best unless you wear a lot of make-up.

Active/ Serum –Retinalaldehyde which is the strongest form of Retinol you can buy without visiting the Doctor.

Introduce Retinalaldehyde slowly. Use twice a week then build up to every other day then every night. You must use SPF during the day when using this ingredient as your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight.

Start with the lowest strength then build to the higher strength.

Moisturise – use same as daytime moisturiser. Make sure there is no SPF in it.

If your skin doesn’t start to clear up in a month or your ACNE is severe you may need to visit your Doctor for a prescription strength treatment.


Picking at your skin can lead to permanent scarring. If you already have scarring, follow MY ESSENTIAL ACNE SKIN CARE ROUTINE until your Acne has cleared up then consult an experienced professional to decide the best form of treatment for your scarring.

SKIN PEELS, LASER and MICRONEEDLING are all excellent options but it all depends on what type of scaring you have.

If you wear MAKE –UP avoid wearing face powders which clog the pores and aggravate Acne. Instead use blotting papers for shine and a setting spray.

Choose NON COMEDOGENIC and HYPO ALLERGENIC foundations which keep pores clog free.

WEAR PRIMER to provide a protective barrier between your skin care products and make up to avoid clogging pores.

DON’T USE YOUR FINGERS to apply make – up and wash your brushes and sponges every 2 weeks.



Anyone can get Acne at any age. Poor diet does not cause ACNE but a good diet can improve it. Keep your face really clean but don’t overdo it – gentle but thorough.

Remember you only need a few products with the correct active ingredients to help clear your skin. Follow my ESSENTIAL ACNE SKIN CARE ROUTINE for one month and re assess your skin then.

If it hasn’t cleared you may need to visit your Doctor.

Once it’s cleared assess if you have scarring and if it bothers you seek an Acne scaring expert to recommend the best course of treatments for you.

If you would like a personalised skin care plan, I offer virtual consultations. The first introductory consultation is 10 minutes and it’s free. Click here to Book a consultation